re: Tyne Daly Exiting Doubt
Last Edit: Roman 05:25 pm EST 02/06/24
Posted by: Roman 05:21 pm EST 02/06/24
In reply to: Tyne Daly Exiting Doubt - dbdbdb 05:08 pm EST 02/06/24

Wow! I hope Tyne is okay. This is, as you say, a SHOCK.

Really would have like Isabel Keating to play the role, as she already has in this production.

Previous: re: Tyne Daly Exiting Doubt - FrankB 06:12 pm EST 02/07/24
Next: re: Tyne Daly Exiting Doubt - NoticeMeGertrude 06:26 pm EST 02/06/24

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