re: How to make Sondheim shows big hits...
Posted by: jjbkvm 03:54 pm EST 02/06/24
In reply to: How to make Sondheim shows big hits... - Zelgo 02:21 pm EST 02/06/24

Perhaps what you say is true I haven’t seen Merrily. But I must say the cast didn’t draw me. As to into the woods (a fav)I don’t live in New York so it’s hard to get to Encores, and when it moved to broadway and then toured I was traveling. As for Sweeney it was the orchestra that got me to pay for the ticket!

Previous: How to make Sondheim shows big hits... - Zelgo 02:21 pm EST 02/06/24
Next: re: How to make Sondheim shows big hits... - Chazwaza 03:26 pm EST 02/06/24

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