Pick the Tonys with Talkin' Broadway

re: Actors switching to new principal parts between productions - In The Same Week
Posted by: Live_From_London 12:58 am EDT 05/03/24
In reply to: Actors switching to new principal parts between productions (on "Suffs") - wizrdofoz27 12:48 am EDT 05/02/24

Although not exactly what you were referring to, but Glyn Kerslake was appearing in two West End shows at once. He spent a year in Les Misérables playing the role of Enjolras and at the same time was performing the role of Arnaud du Thil at certain performances of Martin Guerre just down the road at the Prince Edward Theatre. Glyn was also understudying the role of Jean Valjean whilst playing Enjolras. When he was required to step on and play Jean Valjean in February 1997, he became the only actor ever to have played three principles roles in one week - in two separate West End musicals - on three consecutive nights.

Previous: re: Actors switching to new principal parts between productions (on "Suffs") - Broadwaywannabe 07:45 am EDT 05/03/24
Next: re: Actors switching to new principal parts between productions (on "Suffs") - AlanScott 11:27 pm EDT 05/02/24

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