Pick the Tonys with Talkin' Broadway

re: I wish they would just do a full scale RAGTIME revival
Last Edit: Chromolume 06:35 pm EDT 05/14/24
Posted by: Chromolume 06:24 pm EDT 05/14/24
In reply to: re: I wish they would just do a full scale RAGTIME revival - Thom915 05:00 pm EDT 05/14/24

I assume they wouldn't hire Durand for both, if they cast him at all. I think I'd rather see him as Bobby than Younger Brother.

Previous: re: I wish they would just do a full scale RAGTIME revival - Thom915 05:00 pm EDT 05/14/24
Next: Love Life! - FrenchDip 12:31 pm EDT 05/14/24

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